Untold Engine  Beta v0.0.16
U4DEngine::U4DRenderPipeline Class Reference

Inherits U4DEngine::U4DRenderPipelineInterface.

Inherited by U4DEngine::U4DCompositionPipeline, U4DEngine::U4DGeometryPipeline, U4DEngine::U4DImagePipeline, U4DEngine::U4DModelPipeline, U4DEngine::U4DParticlesPipeline, U4DEngine::U4DShaderEntityPipeline, U4DEngine::U4DShadowRenderPipeline, U4DEngine::U4DSkyboxPipeline, and U4DEngine::U4DWorldPipeline.

Public Member Functions

 U4DRenderPipeline (std::string uName)
void initPipeline (std::string uVertexShader, std::string uFragmentShader)
virtual void initTargetTexture ()
virtual void initVertexDesc ()
void initLibrary (std::string uVertexShader, std::string uFragmentShader)
virtual void initPassDesc ()
virtual bool buildPipeline ()
void initAdditionalInfo ()
virtual void executePipeline (id< MTLRenderCommandEncoder > uRenderEncoder, U4DEntity *uEntity)
virtual void executePipeline (id< MTLRenderCommandEncoder > uRenderEncoder)
id< MTLTexture > getTargetTexture ()
void setInputTexture (id< MTLTexture > uInputTexture)
void hotReloadShaders (std::string uFilepath, std::string uVertexShader, std::string uFragmentShader)
std::string getName ()

Public Attributes

id< MTLTexture > targetDepthTexture
- Public Attributes inherited from U4DEngine::U4DRenderPipelineInterface
MTLRenderPassDescriptor * mtlRenderPassDescriptor
 Pointer representing the render pass descriptor.
id< MTLTexture > targetTexture
id< MTLTexture > inputTexture
id< MTLTexture > albedoTexture
id< MTLTexture > normalTexture
id< MTLTexture > positionTexture
id< MTLTexture > depthTexture

Protected Attributes

std::string name
 Name of the pass.
id< MTLDevice > mtlDevice
 Pointer representing a Metal Device.
id< MTLRenderPipelineState > mtlRenderPassPipelineState
 Pointer representing the state of the render pipeline.
MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor * mtlRenderPassPipelineDescriptor
 Pointer for the rendering pipeline descriptor.
id< MTLLibrary > mtlLibrary
 Pointer that holds the library of shaders.
id< MTLFunction > vertexProgram
 Pointer to the shader vertex program.
id< MTLFunction > fragmentProgram
 Pointer to the shader fragment program.
MTLVertexDescriptor * vertexDesc
 Pointer to the vertex descriptors.
MTLDepthStencilDescriptor * mtlRenderPassDepthStencilDescriptor
 Pointer to the Depth Stencil descriptor.
id< MTLDepthStencilState > mtlRenderPassDepthStencilState
MTLStencilDescriptor * mtlRenderPassStencilStateDescriptor
MTLRenderPassDepthAttachmentDescriptor * mtlRenderPassDepthAttachmentDescriptor
id< MTLBuffer > shadowPropertiesUniform