How to link a bone to a Model
The Untold Engine allows a model to follow the armature of another model. For example, let's say you want the gun to follow the hand bone of the astronaut.
To do so, you can get the bone's Rest Pose Space by using the method shown in line 2. Once you obtain the pose space, then you can apply it to the gun as shown in line 3.
//declare matrix for the gun space U4DEngine::U4DMatrix4n m; //2. Get the bone rest pose space if(astronaut->getBoneRestPose("hand.r",m)){ //3. Apply space to gun gun->setLocalSpace(m); }
You can also link an object to a bone while an animation is running. The snippet below shows how to do so:
//declare matrix for the gun space U4DEngine::U4DMatrix4n m; //2. Get the bone animation "runningAnimation" pose space if(getBoneAnimationPose("hand.r",runningAnimation,m)){ //3. Apply space to gun gun->setLocalSpace(m); }
This will allow the illustion that astronaut is holding the gun.