Setting up a Scene
A scene in the Untold Engine is composed of the MVC design pattern. It declares and defines the View, Model and Controller component for the current scene in a game. A game can have multiple scenes. For example, it can have a Start Scene, Level 1 Scene, etc. Again, for each scene, you must define the View, Model and Controller.
The process to set up a scene is simple. A scene is of type U4DEngine::
#include "U4DScene.h" #include "MenuView.h" #include "MenuLogic.h" #include "LoadingView.h" class MenuScene:public U4DEngine::U4DScene { private: //View class MenuView *menuView; //Game Model class MenuLogic *menuLogic; //View Class for a loading screen LoadingView *loadingView; public: MenuScene(); ~MenuScene(); void init(); };
In the implementation of the subclass, the init() method defines the view, model and loading view for the whole scene.
void MenuScene::init(){ //create view component menuView=new MenuView(); //create model component menuLogic=new MenuLogic(); //create loading view loadingWorld=new LoadingWorld(); loadComponents(menuView,loadingView ,menuLogic); }
It is not necessary to have a loading view if you don't want to. Upon execution of the init method, the engine will initialize the View, Model and Controller subclasses for your current scene and start the process mentioned above.